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Workbenches Overview

AI assisted Query Workbenches to develop your SQL++ queries.


The Worbench is common to all types of connections:

  • AI Assist needs a Capella Login
  • Not all Query Configuration parameters are not applicable for Capella Columnar

The Workbench UI


The UI Panels


Notice the Context in the AppBar
Queries will pick up the Active Database and Active Scope from this
Pic also shows the Active Store. Favorites will be picked up from here.
As a reminder, the structure of the Store (for Favorites) is:

├── Backups
├── Datasets
├── Favorites
│ ├── travel-sample
│ │ ├── inventory
│ │ │ ├── Example-of-Inner-Join##1.sql
│ │ │ ├── Example-of-Group-by-and-Order-by##2.sql

Theare are 3 sections and we will be discussing each one in further detail:

  • The SQL++ Editor
  • The Results Panel
  • The Side Panel