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Lets see the History in greater detail workbenches-history

  • History is kept in Capella DataStudio store
  • You can change the number of entries which History can hold.
    • Beware of performance and storage implications! So dont make this too big!
  • All columns are sortable and filterable

    When you hover on the column header, the sort arrow and a kebab menu are shown
    If you do not see the kebab menu scroll the table to the left!

  • Clicking on a row displays the Query in the Side Panel
  • This panel also has a convenient Copy button on top and this copies the query to the Editor and when you navigate to Query, it's ready.

History Table


Lets look at the Filtering options workbenches/history-filter-menu Apart from Sorting, you can also manage columns


The more interesting feature is the filter
As an example, lets look at queries which have the work distinct in them: workbenches/history-filter-query It filters out the relevant queries!

Filtering Dates

In the Table, Dates are shown as Mar 4 2024, 13:55:43 PM for example
However, this is just the display format. Internally, the date is in ISO-8601 format like YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.
So, when filtering , keep that in mind. For example, filtering for Mar 4th, 2024, the filter would be 2024-03-04


You can choose the queries you want to delete by selecitng the check-boxes and the delete button


What happens when the Query History is full?

  • In this case, the first query in the list gets deleted and the latest added.