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Self Managed Instance

Connect to your Couchbase Self Managed Cluster

Take care

Before trying to connect to a Couchbase Cluster, make sure that you have at least 1 bucket in the cluster.

Connecting to Self Managed Couchbase Clusters

From the Add Connection drop-down button, choose Couchbase Self Managed choose-connection


Tags are a convenient way to classify connections and filter Connections on them. For example, they can be used to:

  • Classify connections as Production or Development
  • Classify connections by Projects

You can optionally Tag each Connection. This can be done before or after the connection is made. To configure the Tags, click on the Configure button located to the left of Connections. This will open up a Tags Dialog box:

  • You have 10 Tags to choose from. Scroll down to see the complete list
  • Choose the color you are interested in and name the Tag.
  • Do this only for the Tags you are interested in. Yiou can skip Tags. It need not be in order.
  • Remember, you can always name the Tags and modify the connection Tag, post connection too.

Connect Form

Self Managed Form

The above example shows a connection to a cluster running on Docker, so the endpoint is specified as localhost.
If running on a VM, so the IP address of one node would been specified.
If your self managed cluster is runnning on Cloud, AWS for instance, enter the hostname of any node in the cluster.
If you are running Couchbase Server on Docker, you can enter localhost as hostname
The SSL certificate is optional.

  • If you enter the wrong IP address or wrong userid/password, an appropriate error message will pop up.
  • If using SSL, make sure the appropriate ports are open, for example: 11207 etc. Refer Couchbase Server documentation for a full list of ports used by SSL.
  • Choose the Tag (optional)

The Connection Process

  • Capella DataStudio connects to the cluster using the form details.
  • It fetches the details of all the existing buckets (scopes and collections)
  • The list of buckets is fetched only at connection time.
    • Any buckets added from the Couchbase UI will not get reflected in Capella DataStudio. In this case, you will have to refresh the connection.
  • All details are kept in a encrypted DataStudio Store locally.
  • All passwords and secrets are encrypted using the native OS encryption. On Mac, this is Keychain. Keychain uses AES-256 for encryption, the strongest encryption method.
  • The encrypted passwords are not actually stored in Keychain. They are still stored in Capella DataStudio Local Store. Keychain is used only to provide encryption and decryption services.

Post Connection

If your connection is successful, you will see the details in the Main Panel. Self Managed Details Lets now take a look at the details provided

The Connection Row

Use the Radio Button on the start of the row to choose the connection.

  • This now is the Active Connection The row shows the details, including the services which this cluster is running. At the end of the row, there are 3 action buttons:
  • Refresh: This deletes all the connection details from the DataStudio Store and reconnects. YOu will typically be using this under these scenarios:
    • Buckets have been added/deleted directly from the Couchbase Server UI
    • The cluster topology has changed, either by adding or taking away nodes
  • Edit: This only allows you to change the userid/password.
  • Delete: This deletes all the connection details from the DataStudio Store. Note that this action has no effect on the actual cluster itself.

The AppBar

The AppBar shows the details of the Active Connection It also shows the Active Database (aka Bucket) and the Active Scope

  • These are chosen randomly during the connection process.
  • Remember to set them from the Databases menu option fromm the NavBar

These show some details of the cluster, like the number of nodes, their CPU and RAM usage.

  • Currently, these values are the ones got at connection time only and are not refreshed. The tables also show the existing buckets and their quotas.

Active Connection

The Connection Table shows all your Connections. However, only one is Active and that is chosen by clicking on the Radio Button. Passwords are decrypted only for the Active Connection and kept in memory.

When you restart Capella DataStudio, you will notice that none of the Connections are Active. You will have to choose to activate a connection. This is due to security and the way passwords are decrypted only on the fly.



Set the Active Connection Context from this UI.