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Backup Center

The backup center holds all your backups.

  1. Make sure you have the Data Tools Plugin installed
  2. Make sure that you have chosen the Active Store. Check on the AppBar
  3. Choose the Active Connection/Active Database you want to restore on
  • Restore will not create a database
  • It does not matter if the backed up database name is different from the one you want to restore to.
  • It does not matter if the backed up database was from a different cluster
  • All the Scopes and Collections will be restored to your Active Database To refresh our minds, let's look at the Local Store structure for backups
├── Backups
│ ├── travel-sample
│ │ ├── 2023-10-05T09_43_34.506946-07_00
│ │ ├── 22023-10-24T09_48_26.419267-07_00
│ │ ├── 2024-01-20T12_39_35.08943-08_00
│ │ │ ├── **/*.css
│ │ ├── backup-meta.json
│ ├── views
│ ├── model
│ ├── index.js

Backup Center UI


Backup Center Main Panel

This has 3 tables

  • Buckets
    • The name of the backed up bucket
  • Bucket Details
    • Date: The date of the backup
    • Date: Timestamp of the backup
    • Source: The cluster endpoint where the backup was taken from
      • This is convenient if you have the same bucket name across different clusters
    • Indexes: The number of GSI Indexes in the backup
    • Size: Size of the backup
  • Backup Details
    • Details of the backup

Backup Details

Let's take a detailed look at the backup details of jungleville

"name": "_default",
"mutations": 11,
"tombstones": 0,
"collections": [
"name": "_default",
"mutations": 0,
"tombstones": 0
"name": "users",
"mutations": 4,
"tombstones": 0
"name": "inbox",
"mutations": 3,
"tombstones": 0
"name": "stats",
"mutations": 4,
"tombstones": 0
"name": "25KIMDb",
"mutations": 7069,
"tombstones": 0,
"collections": [
"name": "movies",
"mutations": 7069,
"tombstones": 0
  • The source bucket was jungleville
  • This had 2 Scopes
    • Scope _default which had 4 Collections
    • Scope 25KIMDb which had 2 Collections
  • The mutations are the number of documents
  • The tombstones are the number of tombstones. For more details on these, plaese refer Couchbase Documentation